How are tooth implants done by a dentist in Hanford?

March 26, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — hanfordfamily @ 4:32 pm

When patients are missing one or more teeth, they may need to speak to a dentist at Hanford Family Dental Center about replacing a tooth, or several, with dental implants. Dental implants are a popular option for patients who need to address tooth loss and want to do so in a permanent manner.

Dr. Nikunj Raiyani describes dental implants

What is a dental implant? How do they restore the smile? How much do they cost? The patients who visit our Hanford, CA area practice often have questions when it comes to restoring their smile with dental implants. Dental implants are titanium posts dentists use to replace a missing tooth root. Implants are put into the jawbone during oral surgery, acting as a tooth root replacement. Once solidified in place through osseointegration (bone growth over several weeks), the implant is restored over the top with:

  • Dental crowns
  • Dental bridges
  • Full dentures

The method of replacement will vary from patient to patient based on their needs.

Why are dental implants so desirable?

Dental implants have a variety of benefits, which patients take into consideration when choosing a tooth replacement solution for their smile. Implants are:

  • With proper care, patients can expect their dental implants to last a lifetime.
  • Thanks to the bone structure holding the implant in place, dental implants are incredibly durable and effective.
  • A great investment. While dental implants are more expensive than alternatives such as bridges and dentures, they are a wonderful investment in the smile over the long-term thanks to their longevity.
  • Easy to care for. Teeth replaced with dental implants do not need any special care or attention above normal brushing and flossing. Many patients forget they even have dental implants over time.
  • Natural-looking. Patients who visit our team are often looking for aesthetic replacement options for their smiles, and dental implants fit the bill!

What is the process of obtaining dental implants?

The first step in deciding if dental implants are appropriate is to schedule a consultation appointment. During this time, Dr. Nikunj Raiyani will have patients undergo a series of x-rays to check dental health and look at the bone structure of the jaw. Without enough bone structure, dental implants will not be successful, so it is important to assess the bone through dental x-rays. Once patients have been deemed suitable candidates for dental implants and have decided against bridges or dentures, they can move forward with the procedure. Oral surgery is necessary for the placement of implants into the bone of the jaw. The entire treatment is done with proper anesthetics and sedation for optimum patient comfort. Then, several weeks are given for healing and the process of osseointegration. Osseointegration is necessary to ensure the bone fuses to the implant and gives it the stability it needs to function properly. Once this has occurred, the dentist can discuss restoration solutions with the patient. This may include the placement of a crown, bridge, or denture over the implant, depending on the specific needs and how many teeth are being replaced. These restorations are custom-made for patients to ensure they look natural and fit into the smile for seamless integration.

How long does the process take?

From start to finish, the process can take several weeks to months. However, many patients invest their time and energy into dental implants because they are a great, permanent solution to tooth loss for many Hanford area patients.

Schedule a visit with our team today to learn more about dental implants

Dr. Nikunj Raiyani of Hanford Family Dental Center is here to assist patients in the areas of Hanford, Lemoore, and Corcoran with their oral health care needs. We encourage patients to contact our practice at 869 W Lacey Blvd to learn about the advantages of placing dental implants to restore function and aesthetics. Call (559) 530-8080 to book an appointment and get a full examination to determine candidacy.

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